Source code for smacha.templater

import jinja2
from jinja2 import meta
from jinja2.ext import Extension
from jinja2.tests import test_number

import os
import re

__all__ = ['Templater']

class SkipBlockExtension(Extension):
    """This Jinja2 extension class allows specified blocks to be either skipped
    or rendered in a given template.
    Credit to Alexander Todorov:
    def __init__(self, environment):
        super(SkipBlockExtension, self).__init__(environment)

    def filter_stream(self, stream):
        block_level = 0
        skip_level = 0
        in_endblock = False

        for token in stream:
            if (token.type == 'block_begin'):
                if (stream.current.value == 'block'):
                    block_level += 1
                    if (stream.look().value in self.environment.skip_blocks):
                        skip_level = block_level

            if (token.value == 'endblock'):
                in_endblock = True

            if skip_level == 0:
                yield token

            if (token.type == 'block_end'):
                if in_endblock:
                    in_endblock = False
                    block_level -= 1

                    if skip_level == block_level+1:
                        skip_level = 0

def expression(value):
    """Custom test function to check if a template variable is an expression
    wrapped in backticks (e.g. `rospkg.RosPack().get_path('smacha')`).

    :param value: A string.
    :type value: str
    :return: True if value is wrapped in backticks, False otherwise.
    :rtype: bool
    if re.match('`.*`$', value):
        return True
        return False

def exptostr(value):
    """Custom filter to remove expression backtick wrappers from a template

    :param value: A string wrapped in backticks.
    :type value: str
    :return: The string with backticks removed.
    :rtype: str
    return re.sub(r'`(.*)`', r'\g<1>', value)

def not_string(value):
    """Custom test function to check if a template variable is not a string.

    If the value passed in is in fact a string, it first checks to see if it
    looks like a viable expression. Thus, if it looks like a reference to a
    type (i.e. contains any full-stops/periods) or if it looks like a function
    call or object instantiation (i.e. contains an expression followed by
    wrapping parentheses, it returns true, otherwise it returns false.

    To force a string, the expression may be wrapped in single and double
    quotes (e.g. "'expression'") in the SMACHA YAML script and the above
    behaviour will be overridden, i.e. this function will return False.

    :param value: A string.
    :type value: str
    :return: True if value is not a string, False otherwise.
    :rtype: bool
    def is_number(s):
            return True
        except ValueError:
            return False

    if isinstance(value, list):
        return True
    elif isinstance(value, dict):
        return True
    elif test_number(value):
        return True
    elif isinstance(value, str):
        if is_number(value):
            return True
        # Match type-esque expressions that contain
        # full-stops/periods (e.g. 'geometry_msgs.msg.Point')
        elif re.match(r'(\w+[.])+\w+$', value):
            return True
        # Match function call-esque expressions that contain wrapping
        # parentheses (e.g. 'Point()')
        elif re.match(r'.+\(.*\)$', value):
            return True

    # Probably safest to fall back to a string assumption in most other cases:
    return False

[docs]class Templater(): """Main SMACHA template processor class. The templater uses Jinja2 as its main engine for processing templates, but it also provides some additional features and functionality. """ def __init__(self, template_dirs=[], include_comments=False, include_introspection_server=False): """Constructor. Specifies roundtrip processing for ruamel.yaml by default so that comments and script structure can be retained. :param template_dirs: A list of directories in which to search for SMACHA templates. :type template_dirs: list of str :param include_comments: A flag that specifies whether blocks marked as either ``'upper_comments'`` or ``'lower_comments'`` should be included in rendered templates. :type include_comments: bool """ # Flag to enable rendering of header and footer comments in templates self._include_comments = include_comments # Flag to enable inclusion of introspection server (for use with # smach_viewer) self._include_introspection_server = include_introspection_server # Create list of any custom user-defined template dirs + default # template dir self._template_dirs = ( template_dirs + [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'templates')]) # Create template loader for the template directories template_loaders = [ jinja2.FileSystemLoader(template_dir) for template_dir in self._template_dirs] self._template_loader = jinja2.ChoiceLoader(template_loaders) # Create an environment for reading and parsing templates, including # the SkipBlockExtension class to allow for skipping certain blocks. self._template_env = ( jinja2.Environment(loader=self._template_loader, extensions=[, SkipBlockExtension], trim_blocks=False, lstrip_blocks=True)) # Skip comment blocks as required if not self._include_comments: self._template_env.skip_blocks.append('upper_comments') self._template_env.skip_blocks.append('lower_comments') # Skip introspection server blocks as required if not self._include_introspection_server: self._template_env.skip_blocks.append('introspection_server') self._template_env.skip_blocks.append('spin') # Register custom tests with the environment self._template_env.tests['expression'] = expression self._template_env.tests['not_string'] = not_string # Register custom filters with the environment self._template_env.filters['exptostr'] = exptostr # Create a template references cache dictionary # to be indexed by template names. self._template_ref_names_cache = {} # Create a template block names cache dictionary # to be indexed by template names. self._template_block_names_cache = {} # Create a template block cache dictionary # to be indexed by tuples of the form (template_name, block_name) self._template_block_cache = {} pass
[docs] def list_templates(self): """List the available templates. :return: A list of names of templates. :rtype: list of str """ # Compile regular expression to match all templates with '.tpl' # extension, while avoiding hidden files (files preceded with a # full-stop, e.g. regex = re.compile(r'(^[^\.].*)\.tpl(\.\w+)?$') # Find templates matching the regex template_list = self._template_env.list_templates( filter_func=lambda template_name: re.match(regex, template_name)) return template_list
[docs] def find_template_name(self, regex, template_env=None): """Find a template name in the available template list using a regular expression. :param regex: A regular expression used to search the list of templates. :type regex: str :param template_env: Optionally specify the template environment. Defaults to current template_env member object. :type template_env: :class:`jinja2.environment` :return: The first template name found or an empty string if no template is found. :rtype: str """ # Select template_env if not template_env: template_env = self._template_env # Find templates matching the regex template_list = template_env.list_templates( filter_func=lambda template_name: re.match(regex, template_name)) # Select the first match if template_list: return template_list[0] else: return ''
[docs] def render(self, template_name, template_vars): """Render code template. :param template_name: The name of the template to be rendered. :type template_name: str :param template_vars: The template variables. :type template_vars: dict :return: The rendered template code. :rtype: str """ # For reasons not entirely clear, a temporary environment must be # created to make this work. template_env = jinja2.Environment(loader=self._template_loader, extensions=[, SkipBlockExtension], trim_blocks=False, lstrip_blocks=True) # Always skip the meta block template_env.skip_blocks.append('meta') # Skip comment blocks as required if not self._include_comments: template_env.skip_blocks.append('upper_comments') template_env.skip_blocks.append('lower_comments') # Skip introspection server blocks as required if not self._include_introspection_server: template_env.skip_blocks.append('introspection_server') template_env.skip_blocks.append('spin') # Register custom tests with the environment template_env.tests['expression'] = expression template_env.tests['not_string'] = not_string # Register custom filters with the environment template_env.filters['exptostr'] = exptostr # Read the state template file into a template object using the # environment object found_template_name = self.find_template_name( template_name + '\.tpl(\.\w+)?$', template_env=template_env) template = template_env.select_template( [template_name, found_template_name]) # Render code code = template.render(**template_vars) return code
[docs] def render_block(self, template_name, template_vars, target_block): """Render specific block from code template. :param template_name: The name of the template. :type template_name: str :param template_vars: The template variables. :type template_vars: dict :param target_block: The name of the block to be rendered. :type target_block: str :return: The rendered template block code. :rtype: str """ try: # Check if this template/block combo has been previously cached target_block_template = self._template_block_cache[(template_name, target_block)] except: # Read the state template file into a template object using the # environment object found_template_name = ( self.find_template_name(template_name + '\.tpl(\.\w+)?$')) template = self._template_env.select_template( [template_name, found_template_name]) # For reasons not entirely clear, a temporary environment must be # created to make this work. template_env = jinja2.Environment(loader=self._template_loader, extensions=[, SkipBlockExtension], trim_blocks=False, lstrip_blocks=True) # Always skip the meta block unless it is the target block if target_block != 'meta': template_env.skip_blocks.append('meta') # Be sure to also skip comment blocks here as required if not self._include_comments: template_env.skip_blocks.append('upper_comments') template_env.skip_blocks.append('lower_comments') # Be sure to also skip introspection server blocks here as required if not self._include_introspection_server: template_env.skip_blocks.append('introspection_server') template_env.skip_blocks.append('spin') # Register custom tests with the environment template_env.tests['expression'] = expression template_env.tests['not_string'] = not_string # Register custom filters with the environment template_env.filters['exptostr'] = exptostr # Append non-target blocks to environment skip_blocks list for block in self.get_template_blocks(template_name): if block != target_block: template_env.skip_blocks.append(block) # Select the template from the temporary environment with # the appropriate skip_blocks list for non-target blocks found_template_name = self.find_template_name( template_name + '\.tpl(\.\w+)?$', template_env=template_env) target_block_template = ( template_env.select_template([template_name, found_template_name])) # Cache the block template for later use self._template_block_cache[(template_name, target_block)] = target_block_template # Render code for remaining block # # TODO: Raise exception here if there is no remaining block! # block_code = target_block_template.render(**template_vars) # Strip trailing whitespace from the block # block_code = block_code.rstrip() block_code = block_code.strip() if block_code == '': return block_code else: return block_code + '\n'
[docs] def render_all_blocks(self, template_name, template_vars): """Render all blocks from code template. :param template_name: The name of the template. :type template_name: str :param template_vars: The template variables. :type template_vars: dict :return: The rendered code for each template block. :rtype: dict """ # Read the state template file into a template object using the # environment object found_template_name = ( self.find_template_name(template_name + '\.tpl(\.\w+)?$')) template = self._template_env.select_template( [template_name, found_template_name]) # Render template code for each of the template blocks (all except the # meta block) template_block_code = { block: self.render_block(template_name, template_vars, block) for block in self.get_template_blocks(template_name) if block != 'meta'} return template_block_code
[docs] def render_meta_block(self, template_name): """Render meta block from code template. :param template_name: The name of the template. :type template_name: str :return: The rendered code for the template meta block. :rtype: str """ # Read the state template file into a template object using the # environment object found_template_name = ( self.find_template_name(template_name + '\.tpl(\.\w+)?$')) template = self._template_env.select_template( [template_name, found_template_name]) # Generate a context placeholder context = template.new_context # Render template code for the template meta block meta_block_code = template.blocks['meta'](context(vars={})).next() return meta_block_code
[docs] def get_template_vars(self, template_name, context=None): """Get all variables defined in a template. :param template_name: The name of the template. :type template_name: str :param context: The (optional) template context. :type context: dict or None :return: The variables defined in the template. :rtype: dict """ # Read the state template file into a template object using the # environment object found_template_name = ( self.find_template_name(template_name + '\.tpl(\.\w+)?$')) template = self._template_env.select_template( [template_name, found_template_name]) # Use Jinja2's module functionality to grab the template variables and # create a dict comprehension if context is not None: template_module_vars = [ template_var for template_var in dir(template.make_module(vars=context)) if not re.match('^_+.*', template_var)] template_vars = { template_var: getattr(template.make_module(vars=context), template_var) for template_var in template_module_vars} else: template_module_vars = [ template_var for template_var in dir(template.module) if not re.match('^_+.*', template_var)] template_vars = { template_var: getattr(template.module, template_var) for template_var in template_module_vars} return template_vars
[docs] def get_template_refs(self, template_name): """Get all templates referenced in a template. Get a list of all templates referenced via {% include %} or {% extends %} tags in a given template. :param template_name: The name of the template. :type template_name: str :return: The names of the templates referenced by the template. :rtype: list of str """ try: # Check if the template refs for this template have been previously # cached. template_refs = self._template_ref_names_cache[template_name] except: # Read the template source using the template environment try: template_source = self._template_env.loader.get_source( self._template_env, template_name)[0] except: try: found_template_name = ( self.find_template_name(template_name + '\.tpl(\.\w+)?$')) template_source = self._template_env.loader.get_source( self._template_env, found_template_name)[0] except Exception as e: raise e # Parse the content of the source parsed_content = self._template_env.parse(template_source) # Get the list of referenced templates using the Meta API template_refs = list( jinja2.meta.find_referenced_templates(parsed_content)) # Cache the block template for later use self._template_ref_names_cache[template_name] = template_refs return template_refs
[docs] def get_template_blocks(self, template_name): """Get all template blocks. Get a list of all blocks in a given template, either those defined directly in the template itself, or those defined in templates referenced via {% include %} or {% extends %} tags. :param template_name: The name of the template. :type template_name: str :return: The names of the template blocks. :rtype: set of str """ try: # Check if the block names for this template have been previously # cached. template_blocks = self._template_block_names_cache[template_name] except: # Read the state template file into a template object using the # environment object found_template_name = ( self.find_template_name(template_name + '\.tpl(\.\w+)?$')) template = self._template_env.select_template( [template_name, found_template_name]) # Get a list of the blocks defined directly in the template template_blocks = set(template.blocks.keys()) # Recurse through referenced templates while updating the set for template_ref in self.get_template_refs(template_name): template_blocks.update(self.get_template_blocks(template_ref)) # Cache the template block names for later use self._template_block_names_cache[template_name] = template_blocks return template_blocks