## Teaching poses for robot movements Robot movements are implemented by poses, pose lists and paths. The `Teaching Panel` in the `Properties` dock widget provides an easy-to-use graphical interface to teach poses. ![](modeling_teachingpanel.png "") ### Teaching poses Select the robot, unfold the `Teaching Panel` and switch to the `Cartesian Coordinates` tab. You will find the `Create pose` widget at the bottom that will help you create a new pose list and add poses to this list. Either create a new Cartesian pose or a joint pose. While `[Create new pose list]` is selected as active pose list, the pose will be added to a new pose list. Click the `Create Cartesian pose` button and the pose list `PoseList #1` will be created containing the pose `Pose 0`. All poses in the pose list will also be visible in the render window. ![](modeling_teachingpanel1.png "") For the next step, you will use the `Gizmo`. It is placed at the robot's tool centerpoint and provides the same handles that you already know from the `Modify frame` widget. ![](modeling_teachingpanel2.png "") Create a new pose and observe the added dot in the render widget. ![](modeling_teachingpanel3.png "") Pose lists are closely linked to paths. You can create a path from a pose list by opening the context menu and clicking `Create new path from this pose list`. ![](modeling_teachingpanel4.png "") This newly created path is then also available in database, specifically in the Explorer.